Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Houwling's Tomatoes

Tour of Houwling's Tomatoes
Mastery Under Glass
125 acres under greenhouse glass and the California sun produces delicious varieties of tomatoes in an array of colors, shapes and sizes 52 weeks a year.
View of the Heirloom Tomato Glass Greenhouse
Tomato vines grown hydroponically
Heirloom Tomatoes waiting to be packed and shipped
Don't I look cute in my clean suit? 
I was lucky enough to have some leaves picked from the vines.
Thanks Kyle for the Grand Tour!
While deciding what to paint for my next assignment and searching my garden and local markets, I am always drawn to Heirloom Tomatoes.  Their various shapes and colors have always intrigued me.  I purchased a few fun looking shapes, color and sizes, for quite a lot of money I might add, brought them home and started in on my sketchbook.    I like to make my sketches into greeting cards, so my first attempt at a Heirloom Tomato was for my Valentine's Greeting Card
Now that I've got some good pictures of the stems and leaves of these tomatoes, I can continue on with my assignment. 
Here is a sneak peak of my assignment:
Lots of pretty colors happening!
Still have a lot of coloring to do, but now I have a lot of pictures,
stems and leaves to use for reference. 
Check Back to see my final artwork!

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